I-1433 Initial Feedback

Participation for I-1433 Initial Feedback has concluded.

Hands typing on a laptop computer with a group of people in the background in a discussion.

L&I wants your assistance with development of the scope of the rules for I-1433. We’re asking for the public’s help in identifying the information that should be included.

  1. We want your feedback on the initial round of comments submitted. These comments aim to identify the questions that stakeholders believe need to be addressed through the rules development process. Where possible, we also want input on what the answers to those questions should be.

  2. In addition to the initial round of comments submitted, what other questions and proposed responses do you believe need to be addressed through the rules process?

Feedback can be submitted directly to this page via the “Submit Comments” tab. Feedback can also be submitted using an attached document via the “Upload Documents” tab.

L&I wants your assistance with development of the scope of the rules for I-1433. We’re asking for the public’s help in identifying the information that should be included.

  1. We want your feedback on the initial round of comments submitted. These comments aim to identify the questions that stakeholders believe need to be addressed through the rules development process. Where possible, we also want input on what the answers to those questions should be.

  2. In addition to the initial round of comments submitted, what other questions and proposed responses do you believe need to be addressed through the rules process?

Feedback can be submitted directly to this page via the “Submit Comments” tab. Feedback can also be submitted using an attached document via the “Upload Documents” tab.

Guest Book

To submit your feedback directly to this page, please enter your comments in the text box below.
Participation for I-1433 Initial Feedback has concluded.
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I fully believe that without enforcement of the laws, and rules, there is no reason to even have them in place. There is real possibility for abuse on both sides of the conversation. There needs to be a clear escalation strategy that allows no room for discussion. In the case of companies that are coming from out of state to work in the construction industry, policies need to be in place to inform workers that they have legal rights. Its not enough to say that the company needs to post information on a wall in their office. These companies often arrive in state and have no office in this state. I have personally worked for a company that did out of state projects. There was no office, and no posting of anything. We followed our own rules, and had no idea what the laws of the state were. If the employees had issues that I could not resolve, I sent them home. The projects are and can be done relitively quickly. Often the Intent and Affidavit is filed on the same day. If the intent is not on the jobsite, there is a violation of the law. The employee needs to sign off that he/she has been informed of their rights under the law, and that gets turned in. If there is a question wages or anything else, the company is long gone, out of state. When devising the rules for enforcement of this initiative, I challenge you to make the penalties come back to the department to fund enforcement activities.

Jim Hernandez about 7 years ago

I-1433 Initial Feedback is now live. Register to get involved!

Steve Borst about 7 years ago