Healthcare Labor Standards

This site contains draft policies. For final policies and the latest information, please visit
Updates on the law covering meal and rest breaks, mandatory overtime, for certain healthcare workers
The Healthcare Labor Standards (HLS) Program for the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) has established this page to keep you updated on the agency’s work implementing Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill 5236. Passed in 2023, the bill clarifies labor standards and enforcement regarding mandatory overtime and uninterrupted meal and rest breaks for certain health care workers.
The legislation largely goes into effect July 1, 2024.
This page includes updates on implementation, a document library, and timeline.
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About L&I’s policies
The draft policies are part of L&I’s preparations for the new standards mandated under law. Final versions will be available before June 30. The policies include:
- HLS.A.1, Law Restricting Mandatory Overtime for Certain Healthcare Workers.
This policy updates previous agency guidance to reflect changes from the new law. It also clarifies pre-existing requirements. - HLS.A.2, Meal and Rest Break Protections for Certain Healthcare Workers.
This policy provides guidance on meal and rest break rights and requirements in the health care context, expanding upon the agency’s other break-related policies and guidance.
Draft copies of the policies can be found within the “Document Library” located on this page.
About the MRB self-report form, guidance
The Meal and Rest Break (MRB) self-report form (included as a PDF) and accompanying guidance document can also be found on this page, within the “Document Library”. Spanish-language version of both the self-report form fields and the guidance document are also posted.
The quarterly form will be available electronically once the reporting requirement begins July 1. Posting the form, and guidance document, now will help prepare stakeholders.
The guidance document details who is covered, the specific reporting categories, and how to count required breaks, breaks missed, and breaks successfully taken. It also includes guidance on recordkeeping requirements.