Paid Sick Leave Draft Sample Policies
Participation for I-1433 Draft Sample Policies has concluded.

To help employers implement the requirements set forth in the paid sick leave rules, and to help workers understand their rights, L&I wants your feedback on the draft sample policies and draft employee paid sick leave notification.
We are asking the public to review the draft sample policies and draft employee paid sick leave notification by November 21, 2017. When providing comments, please make reference to the policy title and WAC you are commenting on. The links to those drafts are located here.
Employee Paid Sick Leave Notification
Verification (WAC 296-128-660)
Reasonable Notice (WAC 296-128-650)
Shared Paid Sick Leave (WAC 296-128-710)
Feedback can be submitted directly to this page via the “Submit Comments” tab, or using an attached document via the “Upload Documents” tab.
Feedback can also be submitted via the link) email box. Feedback submitted to the email box will be uploaded to this engagement site.