EAP Data

Data graphs and charts montage.

Throughout the initial scoping phase for the Executive, Administrative, Professional (“EAP”) rulemaking, the Department of Labor & Industries received a number of requests for data.

In order to answer scoping questions regarding potential rule updates, the department provided data to answer questions pertaining to salary thresholds, wage/salary, business size, and income distribution. The EAP data spreadsheet can be downloaded here.

The department would like to receive feedback from stakeholders on what additional data sources should be considered during the rulemaking process. If you would like to provide links, spreadsheets, etc. related to data, please post them on this page.

Feedback can be submitted directly to this page via the “Submit Comments” tab. Feedback can also be submitted using an attached document via the “Upload Documents” tab. Please note that uploaded documents will not appear on the website immediately. Uploads may take up to 24 hours to post.

Throughout the initial scoping phase for the Executive, Administrative, Professional (“EAP”) rulemaking, the Department of Labor & Industries received a number of requests for data.

In order to answer scoping questions regarding potential rule updates, the department provided data to answer questions pertaining to salary thresholds, wage/salary, business size, and income distribution. The EAP data spreadsheet can be downloaded here.

The department would like to receive feedback from stakeholders on what additional data sources should be considered during the rulemaking process. If you would like to provide links, spreadsheets, etc. related to data, please post them on this page.

Feedback can be submitted directly to this page via the “Submit Comments” tab. Feedback can also be submitted using an attached document via the “Upload Documents” tab. Please note that uploaded documents will not appear on the website immediately. Uploads may take up to 24 hours to post.

Upload Documents

To upload your feedback using an attached document, please use the upload feature below. You also have the option of providing a comment with submission of your attachment. Please note that uploaded documents will not appear on the website immediately. Uploads may take up to 24 hours to post.

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Page last updated: 17 Jun 2019, 06:05 AM