EAP Pre-Draft Proposed Rule Language
Consultation has concluded

In March 2018, the Department of Labor & Industries filed a CR-101 for the rulemaking addressing the Executive, Administrative, and Professional (“EAP” or “white collar”) exemptions from the Minimum Wage Act. These are the rules that determine which salaried employees in Washington are required by law to receive overtime pay, minimum wage, and paid sick leave.
Over the last six months, the department has engaged stakeholders regarding the scope and content of the rulemaking, relevant data, and draft concepts for updates to the rules. Prior to filing the official CR-102 draft version, L&I wants your feedback on the first pre-draft of the proposed rule language.
We are asking the public to review the pre-draft version of the proposed rules and provide feedback by October 26, 2018. Additional information, including the rulemaking timeline, can be found on the “Learn about EAP exemptions” page of this engagement site.
Feedback can be submitted directly to this page via the “Submit Comments” tab. Feedback can also be submitted using an attached document via the “Upload Documents” tab. Please note that uploaded documents will not appear on the website immediately. Uploads may take up to 24 hours to post.
Feedback can also be submitted via the EAPRules@Lni.wa.gov email box. Feedback submitted to the email box will be uploaded to this engagement site.