Version 2: I-1433 Draft Proposed Rule Language

Participation for I-1433 Draft Proposed Rule has concluded.

Hands of a group of people around a table with a laptop, pencils, pens and paper.

Prior to filing the CR-102, L&I wants your feedback on the second version of the draft proposed rule language for I-1433.

We are asking the public to review the second version of the draft proposed rules and provide feedback by June 2, 2017. This version contains all of the sections of the proposed rule language, except those sections which address enforcement. The enforcement sections will be sent out for review and feedback separately.

The second version of the draft proposed rules and the rulemaking timeline are both posted to the “Document Library” on the home page.

Feedback can be submitted directly to this page via the “Submit Comments” tab, or using an attached document via the “Upload Documents” tab.

Feedback can also be submitted via the email box. Feedback submitted to the email box will be uploaded to this engagement site.

Prior to filing the CR-102, L&I wants your feedback on the second version of the draft proposed rule language for I-1433.

We are asking the public to review the second version of the draft proposed rules and provide feedback by June 2, 2017. This version contains all of the sections of the proposed rule language, except those sections which address enforcement. The enforcement sections will be sent out for review and feedback separately.

The second version of the draft proposed rules and the rulemaking timeline are both posted to the “Document Library” on the home page.

Feedback can be submitted directly to this page via the “Submit Comments” tab, or using an attached document via the “Upload Documents” tab.

Feedback can also be submitted via the email box. Feedback submitted to the email box will be uploaded to this engagement site.

Upload Documents

Participation for I-1433 Draft Proposed Rule has concluded.